Flexdym™ is a great alternative to PDMS for microfluidic prototyping and high volume production. Flexdym™ is easily embossed and can bond to a variety of substrates without chemical or oxygen plasma treatment! Available in four different thicknesses (250 µm, 750 µm, 1.2 mm, & 2.0 mm), say good bye to mixing 10:1 Base to Curing agent and lopsided PDMS devices with non-uniform thicknesses by switching to Flexdym™.
To emboss features onto Flexdym™, simply sandwich the material and microfluidic features between two flat plates in the oven. Bonding is just as easy. Place the Flexdym™ on the desired substrate and wait!
Check out the videos below for how Flexdym can be used for rapid device fabrication and assembly:
How To: Test Flexdym™ Molding Without a Hot Press
How To: Instant Flexdym™ Device Assembly
Additionally, for more information, check out the informational content below:
Flexdym Brochure and Chemical Compatibility
Molding Application Technical Note
Bonding Application Technical Note